This is the new OYC Members’ Code of Conduct as approved by the Board of Trustees September 12th.  It will be Rule #31.  It has been posted on the bulletin board in the September BOT meeting minutes and on the website.  Input should be given to any Board member and forwarded to the Secretary. 

Olympia Yacht Club Membership Code of Conduct
Approved, Board of Trustees’ Meeting, September 12, 2018
Adapted from Lewes Yacht Club, Lewes, Delaware
Membership with the Olympia Yacht Club is a privilege and with that privilege come certain responsibilities.  This Member Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of OYC members to ensure that OYC members and guests enjoy Club facilities in a safe and respectful manner.
General Principles
Members and guests will show courtesy and respect to all others at all times.
Members and guests will observe all rules and regulations established by the Club.
Safety First - Be mindful of individual safety and the safety of others involved on Club premises and/or during Club activities.
Respect Always - Show respect, civility and consideration towards other Club members, guests, staff and Club property at all times.
Honesty and Integrity - All members must ensure that they, their guests and children abide by the Club rules and this Member Code of Conduct at all times. No OYC member shall be given or expect preferential treatment, including the Bridge, Board of Trustees, Committee Chairs and/or Volunteers.
Appropriate Behavior
Respect, dignity and proper regard to all members’ rights and obligations.
Respect for the privacy of others.
Fair, considerate and honest treatment of others.
Mature and acceptable social behavior while at the Club.
Mindful behavior of individual safety and the safety of all others.
Responsibility that all guests abide by the Club’s Member Code of Conduct.
Youth Protection
Parents or parent substitutes shall be responsible for the conduct of persons in their care under 18 years of age at all times. Members, office holders and volunteers who instruct or assist children in any Club-endorsed activity must adhere to this standard.
Violations of the Member Code of Conduct will be referred to the Board of Trustees for review and resolution. Should the offending member’s conduct be found to be improper or injurious to the interest or good order of the Club, they may be subject to Article 3, Section 6, Suspension and expulsion, of the Club By-Laws.